Your life's journey is going to give you with
loads of individuals who are going to shock you, disappoint you , be
disloyal to you, deride you and so forth. There is a load of ways that
people will let you down, it's just a part of life.With that comes many
different ways that you can react to these. You can cry, rage, insult,
moan, become a victim or conspire dire acts of revenge. All of these
don’t add value to your life or propel you forward as much as we love to do them or think they help us.
When we feel insulted or persecuted in any way we tend to hold on to those aggrieved feelings for as long as possible. We stew over them and create a ripple effect by carrying those feelings with us and impacting all those we encounter. This is not healthful for our growth or for those who come in contact with our anger. So what do we do about it? Surely we just can't let these people get away with it!. There is a simple and fun way you can have your revenge yet get over it really quickly and move forward.
We found a ingenious way to manage people who just frustrate you and betray you. It's a fantastic line of attack to use these ill feelings to get you catapulting yourself forward in a positive way.We learned this a couple of years ago from our friend and celebrity life coach Johnny Wimbrey. It's effectiveness lies in it's ability to make the issue seem less than by adding humor to it and the sense of sweet revenge that we all love! More importantly it allows you to release the grievance immediately and so keep moving toward your goal.
Basically see in your mind's eye yourself driving down the street in your dream car with the top set down and your hair blowing in the breeze. It’s a stunning summer day, you’ve got your sarong and thongs (flip -flops)on and your on the way to the seashore to relax. First you want to pay a visit your acquaintance (the one who has annoyed or disappointed you) You drive up their driveway and leap out of the car, the image of wealth and happiness. They are watching you as you walk up to knock on the front door, carrying a box.
When they open the door you greet them with your biggest smile and Say "G’day I was just on my way to the beach and just thought I’d drop you a box of your favorite doughnuts to let you know I was thinking of you on one of my many days off." You hand them the box of doughnuts, give them a huge smile and a wave and drive off down the road to the beach in your showy sports car.
What a impressive image! It keeps you focused on your goal of wealth and happiness. It makes you feel light-hearted about it all and you can chuckle thinking how lovely it will feel to prove the person who upset you wrong. A much more positive picture. You can have your revenge without vicious and hateful feelings and you can easily let it go.
Nowadays, when someone offends us, my husband and I as a rule just say ‘Put them on the doughnut list!’ , then without delay we have stopped thinking about the person and how much they have wronged us. We have a chuckle, feel like we're victorious and our day is not destroyed. In a swift sentence they are out of our minds and we can move forward. It's a powerful way to turn your frustration and anger into a motivating force.
When we feel insulted or persecuted in any way we tend to hold on to those aggrieved feelings for as long as possible. We stew over them and create a ripple effect by carrying those feelings with us and impacting all those we encounter. This is not healthful for our growth or for those who come in contact with our anger. So what do we do about it? Surely we just can't let these people get away with it!. There is a simple and fun way you can have your revenge yet get over it really quickly and move forward.
We found a ingenious way to manage people who just frustrate you and betray you. It's a fantastic line of attack to use these ill feelings to get you catapulting yourself forward in a positive way.We learned this a couple of years ago from our friend and celebrity life coach Johnny Wimbrey. It's effectiveness lies in it's ability to make the issue seem less than by adding humor to it and the sense of sweet revenge that we all love! More importantly it allows you to release the grievance immediately and so keep moving toward your goal.
Basically see in your mind's eye yourself driving down the street in your dream car with the top set down and your hair blowing in the breeze. It’s a stunning summer day, you’ve got your sarong and thongs (flip -flops)on and your on the way to the seashore to relax. First you want to pay a visit your acquaintance (the one who has annoyed or disappointed you) You drive up their driveway and leap out of the car, the image of wealth and happiness. They are watching you as you walk up to knock on the front door, carrying a box.
When they open the door you greet them with your biggest smile and Say "G’day I was just on my way to the beach and just thought I’d drop you a box of your favorite doughnuts to let you know I was thinking of you on one of my many days off." You hand them the box of doughnuts, give them a huge smile and a wave and drive off down the road to the beach in your showy sports car.
What a impressive image! It keeps you focused on your goal of wealth and happiness. It makes you feel light-hearted about it all and you can chuckle thinking how lovely it will feel to prove the person who upset you wrong. A much more positive picture. You can have your revenge without vicious and hateful feelings and you can easily let it go.
Nowadays, when someone offends us, my husband and I as a rule just say ‘Put them on the doughnut list!’ , then without delay we have stopped thinking about the person and how much they have wronged us. We have a chuckle, feel like we're victorious and our day is not destroyed. In a swift sentence they are out of our minds and we can move forward. It's a powerful way to turn your frustration and anger into a motivating force.
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