Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Passion vs Money

Image from business2community
Business, if you had a chance to start your own business what would you do? Would you follow your passion or what’ll make you money?

Often times we go for what works, what makes us money and not what we are called to do or destined to do. There have been those that succeeded in doing any kind of business, and those that succeeded in their passion business, and there are those that failed at both.

If given $100,000 what would I go for? I know I would invest in my passion but I think I’ll also invest into something else that works. Not because my passion won’t work, but because I know I won’t stop going after my passion hence I need something to back-up my passion for those rainy days when funds run dry.

There is no harm in doing what works, but there is always joy in doing what you are passionate about. I don’t think you’ll ever go wrong pursuing your destiny with a passion. In the mean time, do your research, what works right now? Is it a business in swimming pool supplies, door hardware supplies or in selling commercial kitchen appliances? Don’t hesitate, do it wholeheartedly, but don’t forget - when the time is right you should pursue your passion. You may never retire when you pursue a passion.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Change and Growth

Change and growth

In life, change is inevitable. You may not be the one initiating the change, but there will always be things around you that cause you to change. I have also learned that not every change equals growth. Growths requires self awareness, selflessness and patience. 

Children are a good reason to bring about change in our lives. Prior to kids being the bosses of us in a house, we used to be the bosses of our lives. Sleep whenever, eat whenever, and do whatever we felt like doing. Then children show up and show us who the real boss is. Your phone will consist of not only your alarm reminders but theirs as well. Your fridge will have your food and theirs. Your shopping will involve buying whatever they need because tantrums are inevitable. If you were one to keep a good budget, forget about it when you have a child (unless you don't go shopping with your child) which is smart but so cruel...fyi. 

However, kids teach us who we are, who we have the potential to be and how we have to change regardless of our own desires. We have to be welcoming of change and embrace it, fighting change only leads to more problems. 

The little one had to get her dental appointment scheduled so, I had multiple alarms for that, as well as took a picture of the reminder the pediatric dental care sent us. I don't remember at what point the change got to me, but I have eventually learned to adjust my life to accommodate another human being who is not fully independent. It's not easy, it takes baby steps, but it's doable. Change that leads to growth is the best thing that can happen to any human being.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Dreams Come True

Image from goals on track
You wake up one day and you find yourself in a nice 3 bedroom apartment for rent in Masaki or better yet, a 5 bedroom house for rent in Mbezi Beach, with a pool, green grass thanks to the water sprinklers and a hefty water bill which you can afford because you are loaded. You see yourself driving a nice Toyota Crown (or a BMW, whatever floats your boat) and have a family of beautiful children and a spouse. Sadly your phone alarm rings, you wake up from your dream and realize you now want what you saw yourself having in a dream because it was too real to be just a dream. 

The reason why we dare to go for more in life is because we either dream about things (actual dreams), or we come into contact with people who have those things and we see how "normal" they are and we tell ourselves "if so and so could do it, so can I."  

One of the things I have been praying for is to start dreaming again. There were times when I had dreams that made me want to experience those things in real life - and I did experience some dreams in real life. I have also achieved things in life that I once thought were impossible for me to achieve, but seeing someone else have them, or do them, gave me the confidence to go for it.

Did you stop dreaming? Did you stop believing in yourself? Did you stop having a vision for your future? Pray for a new dream, a new vision and a new goal...don't stop declaring good things for yourself each year until they come to pass. What are you wishing for/dreaming about for 2020?

Monday, December 2, 2019

Do It Yourself

Do It Yourself

Hey y'all,

box braids

How many of you had to do things that required a professional to do? Thinks like doing your hair (braids, hair dye, etc), or house renovation, or fixing a car?

Living in the United States has taught me quite a few things. The cost of having things done professionally has caused many of us to do them by ourselves. I have become pretty good at crocheting, box braiding and hair dye. But what got my attention is when my brother-in-law fixed a friend's car that would have probably cost her $200+ to fix, or when he fixes things around the house. All he does is buy home renovation materials, and voila, him + YouTube = professionally done renovations. 

I am not saying we should all do this, noooo, if you can afford to pay a professional to do things for you, by all means do (especially if you have no interest whatsoever in learning to do things). But if you are one of those challenge takers, then go right ahead, buy yourself some building materials and start building what your heart desires. 

DIY is a good way to test the limits of your creativity. Try it!!