ENOUGH by Susanne Mbise

by Susanne Mbise

I was listening to a friend of mine just the other day, mostly of this and that. One thing though triggered a question in me, "when is it ever enough?"  Why this question? Walk with me.

It's probably very common now to hear "I'm going to be rich! I'll own lots of money, cars, houses, travel around the world, be the best in my profession, i want to be famous, buy whatever i want,......!!" and the list goes on and on and on; as i'm sure you know it, probably it could even be yours!

Let's face it! Some of us are skeptic about dreaming big; "Those are fantasies" "Lucid dreamer" "Get real!" common comments from skeptics or in other terms 'realists'. There are those who make it, and realise their 'dreams'. But again there are those who end up with that glassy look as they recite this dream and wake up to a nightmare. So why these different results? Maybe, some made the dream happen, they worked it; others got drunk from the drink, they lost it.

How ever there's one thing i've learnt in and out of class, that now brings me to our point "enough", attaining that ultimate satisfaction when we get there is what sets us apart. When  we say "This is it!" and not "This was it but now i want....", has led me to ask myself "when is it ever enough?"

When do we ever say we have enough money, fame, wealth? When do we ever attain those three things and feel we have had enough of them? It's very difficult to draw the line on enough, especially when those three are involved. However, it's my experience that we very easily draw the line when it's for someone else but us. "I have done so and so for you for this long! It's enough!" " I have given you this much already. Isn't that enough?".

Too much of anything is harmful; so the saying goes. So when does it become too much? When is it ever enough? I'm no guru, but i believe when we don't know when to pull our breaks, the wanting will eat us like cancer. We have to leave room for something different. Life is mostly about the journeys we take when we set the destinations You run and don't stop to smell the roses once in a while, it will end up being just a run, nothing like a journey.

Explore your alternatives, take up a challenge, fulfill it, enjoy the fruits. Look up for another that not only takes you there, but also gives a chance to another traveller to get there. Be an inspiration within the journey and not just an icon for envy at the destination.
