Saturday, February 9, 2019

Wedding vs Marriage

Hey y'all, 

Is it weird that not once in my entire life have I imagined a wedding reception for myself? I do not have an ideal conventional wedding dress in mind (meaning a typical white wedding dress. I don't mind wearing a black and red dress or something traditional from African fashion designers), an ideal venue or honeymoon destination and all that. As a matter of fact, I feel like extravagant wedding parties are a huge waste of money (at least for me). 

In 2010 I told my parents that since I am the last born, there will not be a wedding reception. There will be a wedding ceremony either at church, city hall or officiated by an Elvis Presley lookalike, but no parties and all that mambo jumbo. We can all go to a nice restaurant, eat our guts out, take pictures and call it a day. 

Being a 4th child for the most part, there is nothing new the family hasn't experienced. Your parents have seen it all, have experienced it all. And the last thing they would want is to accept you are no longer their little baby and you will no longer be available to run errands for them. Being someone’s wife kinda puts limitations on their requests and demands on your life and they are scared of that even though they will never admit it. 

My one time chance of being a wedding planner and a maid of honor gave me enough experience and insight on the craziness that goes into wedding planning, wedding venues, honeymoon research, blah blah blah, the list is endless. And I would not wish this kinda madness on any of my family members or myself. 

Weddings are emotional and they make you want to believe in the magic and the fairy tale of it all, but I am a realist and I want to know the good, the bad and the ugly. Living in La La Land is overrated. Maybe what we really need are more realistic movies on what marriages go through and highlight on the everyday challenges and victories married couples face so that we don’t end up killing each other once the happy hormones die off. 

Don’t get me wrong, I am a strong believer of Love, marriage and family union. But I am a stronger believer of staying together for better or for worse. It’s not easy, nor do I claim to have the ability to stick around during foolishness, but I pray everyday that in my request to be more like Jesus, I should be able to love the unlovable or even worse, my spouse when he is the last person I want to lay eyes on. If you think I am shady in how I see things, then re-evaluate your Christian life. Jesus loves you and listens to your prayers even if you just came from committing a sin. Now that's real love and forgiveness. If this is what it means to be brides of Christ, then He is the most amazing husband in the world.

1 comment:

  1. Simply gorgeous! Great insight and pictures! I am a blogger as well and currently looking to be interviewed and or collab with other bloggers ! Check me out and contact me if you publish interviews or would love to collaborate one day!
