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Is being adventurous a permanent trait?
Hey y'all,
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Before going to bed last night I came across an article from Psychology Junkie talking about different Myers-Briggs personalities and what makes them brave. And mine said "Unlike some people who choose a steady, secure existence, you’d rather live life with a bit of excitement and adventure. Because of your ability to see countless possibilities you aren’t satisfied unless you’ve explored as many as possible. You defy the norm and face risks with bravery, whether that involves starting your own business, traveling around the globe, or risking it all to be a digital nomad. You pursue freedom over the safer route of a structured, ordered existence. To you, feeling alive means braving uncertainty and proving to yourself that you can do it on your own." click here to read more
I must say, this adventure word comes up a lot when people try to describe me, and yet I feel as though I have lost my passion for adventure. And I want to understand what the word adventure really mean? I can agree with wanting to live my life with excitement, I haven't lost that at all, but do I still have 'adventure' in me? Don't mistake me, I can go on adventure safaris but that's probably it. Would I want to be as adventurous as I used to be 10 years ago? Maybe not. I can keep my life exciting in various ways, but I doubt if I still have a sense of adventure.
In order to fully understand this word "adventure" I plan to listen to podcasts, read books, and watch YouTube videos on people with adventure traits in their personalities to see if I still got it.
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