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Hey y'all,

How realistic is it for someone to be a vegan or vegetarian in Bongo? Not for a second have I given a thought to the idea of being vegan or vegetarian, and I only ask because we are surrounded by butchers on every corner of the city. Not only that, those who have their own homes (not living in apartments) have poultry farms for their daily needs and a side source of income. The availability and affordability of meat in Tanzania is perhaps the reason for promoting a market for professional kitchen equipment and butchery equipment. I would not trade the meat eating luxury for anything, regardless of the health related problems that may come with it. And I say so because as humans, we are capable of self control, and too much of anything is harmful. I haven't had beef in a while and when I think of how easily available and affordable beef it is in Bongo, I feel like there is something missing. This experience of not having the luxury to eat beef on daily or weekly basis will make me appreciate life in Bongo when I return. I mean, who doesn't want beef choma and mbuzi choma on weekends? Life can't get any better than that.
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