1 Chronicles 29:11
He is the fountain and center of
everything that is bright and blessed. All that we can, in our most
exalted praises, attribute to him he has an unquestionable title to. His
is the greatness; his greatness
immense and incomprehensible; and all others are little, are nothing,
in comparison of him. His is the power, and it is almighty and
power belongs to him, and all the power of all the creatures is derived
from him and depends upon him. His is the glory; for his glory is his
own end and the end of the whole creation.
the glory we can give him with our hearts, lips, and lives, comes
infinitely short of what is his due. His is the victory; he transcends
and surpasses all, and is able to conquer and subdue all things to
himself; and his victories are incontestable and uncontrollable.
And this same God died on the cross for us! Oh what a love!
Mariam. (Mama Joe)
Grace is the heavenly resource behind all of God's promises.
Faith is the simple means of accessing that grace
Faith is the simple means of accessing that grace

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