Let Go!

Let Go!
Philippians 4:6-7
Are you tense from the trials of the day and anxious for the trials upcoming tomorrow? The Lord is your deliverer from all anxiety and fear of the unknown. He longs to replace the tension in your soul with His comfort and love, but there is something you must do to fully experience the peace you are seeking.
Have enough trust in God to let go of what is bothering you, do not stew about your needs, present or future, but with thanksgiving, to present them to God.
But how can you ask with thanksgiving unless you are first willing to let go of the fear and trust him to respond? There can be no peace without trust. When we hang on to anxieties what we are really telling God is, "I don't trust You to take care of me."
If this describes your frame of mind, decide to make a change. Tell the Father your secret apprehensions, ask Him to help you make the attitude adjustments to bring you into His perfect peace, and prepare for restful life.

