The Holy Spirit In You
John 7:37-38
I hear that the heat and humidity can be almost unbearable in some areas in Latin America. But the rivers are almost ice cold year-round because they come from melted snow in the mountains. So the people in these countries jump in the cold rivers for relief from the severe summer heat!
Now isn't that just like the Holy Spirit? When we believe in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of our sins, the Spirit of God comes and dwells in us. And because of that, rivers of living water flow out of us that are remarkably different from those of the world around us.
And that's really what it means to live a spiritual life! The Christian who lives spiritually will say and do things that are so different from the dying world around him that people will notice. God's Spirit allows us to breathe refreshing life into a harsh world!
So instead of conforming to the world, live a life that is characteristic of the Holy Spirit inside of you. And your thoughts and deeds will be like a cool stream in a dying world.
Mariam. (Mama Joe)
Grace is the heavenly resource behind all of God's promises.
Faith is the simple means of accessing that grace
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