When you are single, it is important to develop wholeness in your life. Many times, we look to other people to make us whole, but no one can fill the place God should occupy in our hearts and minds. Without wholeness, it becomes difficult to have successful relationships.

It is easy to get caught in the “woe is me” or “I’m lonely” trap as a single person, but the single life should be far from discontenting. To obtain and maintain wholeness, we must seek God fervently, and allow His Word to transform our thinking and our focus. When we do, He will give us peace concerning every area of our lives.

God is the only one who can fulfill us and make our lives purposeful. That is why He wants to set us aside as single Christians and separate us from profane things (1 Thessalonians 5:23).

Our prayer today is for every single person to become whole in Christ! In Jesus name we pray.