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my dear Maureen Sweetie wa Andrew
i have been observing closely your life for the past...years on this
earth. i came to realize that you are one beautiful, loving,
intelligent,caring, smart, adorable young woman. it has not been easy
for you since childhood my dear but trust me all will be well someday
babe gal it is just a matter of time. you have been a great believer and
a woman of faith but nowadays something is not so right somewhere so
please do something about it. i know you thing god does not love you
because of all that your going through but he does and its time for you
to go back to him.
since ur mum left you, u feel like the world
is over because she was your own true love, guess what it is not. she
is watching over you as your raising your three siblings and she is
proudly saying"that's my gal" your so far good. remember your mama loved
you and always will honey pie. keep the family together, watch over
your father r your mum, make sure Rita
becomes a good girl as well as Alex and Massimo because they need you
and you need them, all you have is each other my dear plus they love
keep up with school my dear your almost done. i know you
the road map seems dim but u will see the light since god has a lot in
store for you. so make sure you finish your school in time. God has not
brought you this far to shame you angel. No way.
relationships sweetheart not now, spare yourself a little bit of time
and all will be well trust me. the one u love with all u got is not
interested so don't waste that energy. i know he will always be in your
heart but its time to clean that chamber of your heart and start
creating space for what is coming coz it will shock even you. don't
force yourself to love, it should be effortless, don't fear of age or
peer pressure no.we are all different.
i know you love your
friends darling a lot, keep loving them as u have always.whether they
deserve it or not. love even those who have betrayed you. those you
trusted and they stripped you off, those who lied about you,etc, keep
loving coz that's what you know how to do best.
Now babe gal,
the hard part, the hurts talking about it but let it go
babe, let it go. met those relationships. they betrayed the person you
love and that hurts, they wore masks trying to pretend to be good but
were foxes, let it go. forgive then for your self and for your mum's
sake. let it go honey, let it go.
my dear lets end here for
today, will meet again soon my love.i am always here for you and i love
you. keep that in mind. I LOVE YOU SWEETIE.
with love
your soul
source; Maureen Sweetie Andrew