your faith cannot make it through adversity, then, it isn't real faith. The faith that cannot be tested is the
faith that cannot be trusted. Real faith gets stronger, not weaker, through
hardship. It becomes more resilient; it doesn't fall apart.
and Barnabas encourage the believers to continue in the faith, reminding us
that we must suffer many hardships to enter the Kingdom of God.
are being encouraged to continue in the faith, not in the feeling. Emotions
come and go. There are times when you feel God's presence, and then there are
times when you don't. So what do you do then? You press on, because "the
just shall live by faith". Whether we feel God's presence today or we
don't, that is okay. We are to press on, because this is a walk of faith.
worry about emotions. Don't focus on emotions that fluctuate. Remember that God
is with you, and one day you will join Him in glory.
you are a young Christian, you want the blessing. But as you grow, you just
want God. That is a mark of maturity. We need to continue in the faith when the
skies are blue and also when they are dark; filled with clouds. We must press
on when our health is good and also when it is not, because we know in that
final day it will all be worth it.
Mariam. (Mama Joe)
Grace is the heavenly resource behind all of God's promises.
Faith is the simple means of accessing that grace
Faith is the simple means of accessing that grace
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