Saturday, August 17, 2019

How To Keep Your Peace

Image from Google

Sometimes, due to my unwillingness to have long conversations, I find myself saying the simplest thing that comes to mind - words like oh nice, that's good, okay, alright. Someone once told me that in conversations, I tend to think of things (like opinions) yet keep them to myself and that's not good communication, for the most part that's true. However, when I don’t want to seem critical, judgmental, or entertain a very unnecessary argument, keeping things to myself or responding with simple words is key. So I let things be and keep my peace. There's a joke that goes like this;

Man 1: how are you always able to remain calm?
Man 2: when I feel like an idiot is about to argue with me, I say okay and move on.
Man 1: That’s not possible.
Man 2: Okay

Sometimes you are better off agreeing with people just to avoid things from escalating to a verbal war, so you say as little as possible and keep your peace. But generally speaking though, if you really care for your peace of mind, regardless of the person you are talking with, agree to disagree and keep your peace. 

We all don’t and never will feel the same thing the same way, or see the same thing the same way, experience life the same way. As long as we are different, expect differences to happen.

And it’s okay! Be okay to not always win a conversation. Be okay to hear, evaluate a conversation and learn from what you can, or ignore and pray against what you think is not worth being in your head so that it doesn’t make you question your sanity.

A good example, you may have a house that has internal wooden security doors, but you decide to say your house has security doors, another person may argue your house has wooden doors, or internal doors. All view points are accepted, don't force people to see what you see, neither should you to be forced to see things the way another person sees them. This is similar to the glass is half full or half empty concept. What's important is that there is a glass and there is water, whether it is half full or half empty, it's all a matter of perspectives.

Allow your differences to be and embrace them. Grow in areas that you need to grow and don’t feel rushed to be who you are not, yet! Growth is a process. And the only way you are able to grow and embrace yourself and others is when you keep your peace and allow different views and opinions to co-exist without shaking your viewpoint.

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