1 Corinthians 15:54-57; John 23:46
Death has two dreadful henchmen-one is called Sin, the other is called Law. Law is the demand we cannot meet. Sin is the stain we cannot remove. Death is the outcome we cannot avoid.
Some people say they don’t care much about death: "Death's no big deal. When you're gone, you're gone." But they forget about Death's henchmen. If death was simply the end of life, dying would not be a problem. The problem is dying in your sins.
Dying in your sins is a problem because of the Law. God has called you to a life you haven't lived. He has given you commands you haven't kept. He has work for you that you haven't done. This puts every one of us in a desperate position. We find ourselves in a triple tragedy: A demand we cannot meet, a stain we cannot remove, and an outcome we cannot avoid. So what is the solution? The solution is Jesus Christ, the
Son of God who took our flesh and came to stand with us, acted for us as our Redeemer.
Everything God calls a man or a woman to be, Christ was. Everything God calls a man or a woman to do, Christ did. He fulfilled the law, and that deals with the first henchman.
Jesus gave His life for you and me. At the cross, our sins were laid on Him. He had no sins of His own. He took the sins of others on Himself, and came under a terrible curse. He died for the ungodly-people who have not fulfilled the law, who know that they have many sins. He died for sins, and that deals with the second henchman.
Jesus died, was buried but on the third day, He rose from the dead. It was impossible for death to hold Him! He went into death, swept through it, and came out of it. Christ swallowed up death in victory!
Death and his two henchmen defeated. All we have to do is to believe in Him. You will not die in your sins; you will die in the Lord. You will stand before God, not in the rags of your own half-hearted righteousness, but in the white robes of Jesus' perfect righteousness.
Believe in Him and keep the faith till when He comes as King and Lord.
Thanks be to God who gives us the victory through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Mariam. (Mama Joe)
Grace is the heavenly resource behind all of God's promises.
Faith is the simple means of accessing that grace
Faith is the simple means of accessing that grace
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