1. The Relationship Track Record: If you are involved with someone with past anger or jealousy problems, it’s likely these issues will re-emerge. Don’t get fooled into overlooking their problems with others because you believe “they didn’t love them the way they love me.”
2. Look at how he/she treats others: If you are on a date and your date goes on and on about an argument and how they had to “rip them a new one,” remember it’s just a matter of time before they “rip you a new one.”
3. Get to know the family: One dinner with everyone on their best behavior is not going to provide enough insight into family dynamics. You’ve got to spend time with people to spot trouble. Ask your mate how his or her family showed love, and especially how it managed anger and conflicts.
4. Is he or she a good person? Character matters. Pay attention to their daily behavior. Does he/she support you or manipulate you to get his/her way? And remember…
5. People can change, but it’s difficult. Change requires concrete steps of action as well as willful effort. No one can force anyone else to change.
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