Romans 5:3-5
Sometimes God is glorified through the removal of an affliction. When we have a problem, and people pray with us about it, and it is resolved, we praise God for that. If a physician performs surgery, and that loved one is cancer-free, we thank God.
But then there are times when the surgery doesn't go as well as we had hoped. There are times when the illness is not removed. The problem is not taken away. It is then that God can be glorified through the enduring of the affliction. And it is through hardship that we will develop hope.
You would think the best way to find hope is to have a trouble-free life. No, the best way to find hope is through the crises of life. Tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope. Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.
Hope is going to come through hardship. So when a Christian suffers and still glorifies God, it reassures the rest of us there never will be a valley so deep that God will not get us through it.
Mariam. (Mama Joe)
Grace is the heavenly resource behind all of God's promises.
Faith is the simple means of accessing that grace
Faith is the simple means of accessing that grace
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