Our Trustworthy Guide
Psalm 32:8-9
Although the road we are travelling on will be marked with both joy and suffering, the Lord leads His followers all the way to their eternal home.
Let’s be honest, we are all ill-equipped to go through life alone. Our all-knowing God created us with a need for His guidance. In our own strength, knowledge, and reasoning power, we are simply not able to figure out how to make the wisest decisions. But the Lord’s assuring hand at our shoulder can lead us down right paths to good choices.
The Lord is willing and able to guide us, if we will let Him. It isn’t difficult to fall in step with Him. Repent for having wandered down paths of life that led to sin and disobedience. Choose to follow His lead instead, by reading the Word of God and applying biblical principles to your life. And learn to pray through both large and small decisions as you seek the path He has set for you.
Just beyond our last heartbeat lies eternity. That’s where our Savior is pointing us to. The path may not be clear to our eyes, but Jesus is leading us there with a steady and sure hand. Our part is to follow in obedience so that we may reach heaven and hear the Father Say, “Well done.”
Mariam. (Mama Joe)
Grace is the heavenly resource behind all of God's promises.
Faith is the simple means of accessing that grace
Faith is the simple means of accessing that grace
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