Your Mental Health Matters

Photo by Lucxama Sylvain

 Happy February everyone!

I recently came to appreciate 'Mental Health' conversations that I am seeing on social media platforms, especially from public figures. I truly believe it's necessary to have these talks and make sure they get the amount of attention needed to reach everyone. I for one needed a mental health break two years ago, and I was eager to start seeing someone about it to help me put things into perspective. I am not ashamed to say, I do see a therapist whenever I feel the need to unstuck.

As much as social media is to blame for a good amount of our mental health issues in the recent years, mental health is among the consistent issue regardless of age group.  There is no shame in talking about it! There is no shame in seeking help. As a matter of fact, we ought to be more supportive of those who put themselves out there to seek for help. 

I did an interview with someone and she said, - She knew she was not crazy, she was just depressed because she was homeless, she lived in her car with her kids, she was not able to provide for them, she felt stuck. - I applauded her for knowing that she was depressed and the reasons behind her depression, and for seeking help which ultimately enabled her come to a place where she and her kids are no longer depressed and they are able to meet their needs and live a safe life. 

You don't have to be wearing socks and pajamas to work to know you are in need of help. You could be going to work and doing life as usual like any other person, but deep down you feel stuck. You feel stuck because you are in a miserable job, but you need to keep the job because you need the health insurance, you have to pay rent and other bills. You could be feeling stuck in a marriage that isn't going anywhere, you are miserable but can't leave because you are not financially able to provide for the kids on your own or you just feel bad for separating the kids from a two parent household. Or maybe you are not ready to let go of the dream you always had of having a marriage and raising your kids with your spouse. You might also be feeling stuck because each year you clock a new age but no major developments can be seen, you don't have your own place, you don't have a job that can help you live on your own, you are not married, you don't have kids, you don't have that dream career, you can't seem to overcome a health challenge. 

Whatever your "STUCK" is, it's okay to seek help! Speak to someone who will help you put things into perspective and navigate your way through this mind game, because truth be told, there is always a way out!
