Defeat by Proxy

Have you ever been in a situation where you constantly pray for someone over specific situations and you don’t get the results that you or they wanted? How do you feel when that happens?

I have realized that sometimes we question God’s power based on someone else’s unanswered situations, and if we are not careful, we feel defeated and get surrounded by a dark cloud filled with memories of past and present unanswered prayers from our own lives. When there is unanswered prayer in the person you constantly pray for, you start inhaling that smell of defeat in your life as well, even though God has faithfully answered many of your prayers before.  

This got me thinking; Is God trying to say something? Is this situation something that God doesn’t want to take care of for reasons only known to Him? Is this something that if answered might cause this person harm in the future? Is God choosing to delay the answer because He is waiting on us to do or say something? Is God allowing this person to go through these trials because He is about to bring a major transformation or reward in this person’s life (double for his/her trouble)? This type of thinking helped me to stay grounded in God’s promise over my life. First and foremost I had to tell myself - I am not them, I am me.  I should not compare my situation with others because our paths are totally different and hence their trials and tests in life will be different too. I may not go through their journey and trials because I have a different destiny and ministry and will hence face different kinds of trials. I had to remember how God answers prayers differently in every situation. Seeing unanswered prayer in someone else’s life does not take away God’s presence on earth, neither does it make God a liar or deaf to our prayers. My job is to say ‘in everything and for everything I give thanks’

Trials and tribulations are merely tests that we face in different levels of our faith and relationship with God. And God will not give us more than we can handle. If we trust in Him then we won’t be defeated when our prayers are not answered the way we want them to. 

How did I overcome this feeling of defeat by proxy? I had to remind myself of the many miracles and answered prayers. I looked at the mountains that were once before me, and how God made them flat before my own eyes and made a way for me, then I remember that God is able. As much as we are called to pray with consistency, we are also called to listen. Is God telling you something about that unanswered prayer or situation? Is God telling the other person something over the unanswered prayer? Are they sharing that information with you to the effect of helping you know how to change your prayers or accept things the way they are and give God the glory for the situation?

Don’t be overcome by defeat from your own or from other people’s unanswered prayers. God is able, He communicates, and when He doesn’t answer your prayer the way you want Him to answer you, then know He will communicate something to you about it. 

